It is with huge sadness that we report the loss of our dear friend and colleague Mr. Surbir Sthapit, Executive Director and founding member of HICODEF, who died yesterday (October 20th, 2020) from COVID-19, aged just 53.
Surbir Sthapit in his office during our last monitoring visit, Oct. 2019.
He is survived by his wife and two sons. Our thoughts are with them, Surbir’s wider family, his friends, and everyone at HICODEF.
HICODEF has been one of The Glacier Trust’s longest standing NGO partners in Nepal and Surbir has been the driving force behind the innovative and highly effective projects we have worked on together for nearly a decade.
We are devastated to have lost Surbir from the TGT family. He has changed attitudes, lives and life chances of so many people, enabling them to adapt to the impacts of climate change, recover from earthquakes and to develop the prosperity and health of their land, villages and communities. He was a true changemaker.
We will remember him fondly and with the deepest feelings of love and respect.
We will miss you Surbir ji.