Deusa/Waku, Solukhumbo: Climate Change Adaptation
We are into our sixth year of work in Solukhumbo. It is fast becoming a showcase for what small NGOs can achieve by working together to maximise the benefit of limited funding.
Our work in Solukhumbo is focussed in two neighbouring communities Deusa and Waku. These mountain communities are spread across several square miles on very steep slopes, the population across both areas totals just over 11,000.
project aims
Both Deusa and Waku are on the front line of Climate Change. The impacts felt here can be severe. Landslides are increasingly common, crops fail due to unseasonably high temperatures, severe rain, hail storms and prolonged droughts. The changing climate has seen the arrival of new insect pests and parasitic plants that can devastate crops.
Working in partnership with our Nepali partner NGO, Eco Himal, we are enabling farmers to adapt to the changing conditions. We are now close to achieving one of our aims: a financially self sufficient Agro Forestry Resource Centre (AFRC) in Deusa. Support over the next two years is vital to this. In the video below Til Bahadur Rai and Keshab Rai are interviewed by Narayan Dhakal from Eco Himal and explain the AFRC concept and what it has achieved to date:
Our second aim is to reach farmers across the entirety of Deusa and Waku. This is done through an education outreach programme that brings agriculture expertise and training to subsistence farmers enabling them to improve their farming methods and, where possible, grow crops and produce for sale in local markets.
Net Kumar Rai, Deusa VDC, Solukhumbo, 2017: TGT have provided funds for the introduction of three Murra Buffalo to Deusa. The Buffalo move from farm to farm to improve the stock, so that offspring produced are stronger and healthier than before.
key activities
Farmer Field Schools across Deusa and Waku
Establishment of Deusa AFRC as a regional centre of expertise in Climate Change Adaptation
Creation of up to six AFRC managed satellite plant nurseries to increase access to seeds, seedlings and training for farmers in Deusa and Waku
Trial of Hazelnut production at Deusa AFRC
Enabling farmers to produce coffee
Education outreach programme
Our partners in Nepal, Eco Himal, report to us on a quarterly basis and produce an annual final report. Download the final report for 2017/18.
Deusa and Waku are mountainside villages in the eastern Nepal district of Solukhumbo. This beautiful area is approximately 50 miles from Mount Everest.