TGT on Social Media

We have been increasing our Social Media output to bring you news and stories relevant to the issues we tackle and the communities we support. 

Please follow us on Facebook and Twitter for regular updates*. We'd also be hugely grateful if you could like, comment, share, retweet, reply and so on - this will help us build our supporter base. It is a great way to engage your friends and colleagues in our work.

Here are some of the articles that have caught our eye recently:

Trump: Just what the Climate doctor ordered? 
A provocative question from Dipak Gyawali about NGO influence in Nepal, especially relating to climate change adaptation and water conservation. 

Biodynamic farming is on the rise – but how effective is this alternative agricultural practice?
Biodynamic farming is gaining popularity in California, it is something they are 'going back to'; in Nepal, especially in remote mountain communities, it never really went away. TGT promotes agricultural methods that work in harmony with nature in this way. It is environmentally and economically sustainable and it works. We build on traditional approaches and enhance them by introducing techniques developed in the modern biodynamic farming movement. Our projects are enabling farmers and communities to thrive in a chemical free environment. So as California goes back to find its future, Nepal's remotest farmers might well be decades ahead of their 'developed world' cousins. 

Permafrost thawing could lead to spurt in natural disasters
Permafrost thaw looks set to be a huge issue across the Himalayas. More research needed to fully understand it's extent and impact.

Review article: Inferring permafrost and permafrost thaw in the mountains of the Hindu Kush Himalaya region
A ticking time bomb? Very little is known about the extent and behaviour of ground ice in the Himalaya. 

*If you prefer not to engage in Social Media (and who could blame you) we will endeavour to post a summary of the articles we've been sharing here on our blog from time to time.