From the Co-Director


Six months have passed since I took over from Jamie as the UK Co-Director of The Glacier Trust (TGT). I have been learning the ropes, meetings partners and supporters and exploring the history of our work. It has been fascinating and invigorating. I have also been planning. We have developed a business plan, a budget and a fundraising strategy to take us through to 2020. We know what we need to do, how we are going to do it and what is required to achieve our goals. Exciting times ahead. 

When I visited Nepal in February, I followed in the giant footsteps of our founder Robin. My overriding impression was that what TGT does, works. The successes are a huge tribute to Robin’s vision and hard work. So, when it comes to Climate Change adaptation, our future plans are quite simple, lets do more, lots more, of what works. We can reach more people, in more villages and offer tailored solutions to the challenges they face. 

We have excellent partners in Nepal, they work tirelessly and diligently, it has been a pleasure getting to know them in person and via our regular early morning Skype calls. With their expertise and your continued amazing support, we can enable thousands of families and dozens of villages to flourish. 

This is an article from our Summer 2017 newsletter. If you would like to receive a hard copy of our newsletter, please get in touch with us via our contact pages. Thank you for your support.