As the availability of IT software and hardware spreads through Nepal, we’re seeing more and more examples of people using their smart phones to record short films to share their knowledge.
We were sent a link to this video from the Mandan Deupur Agro Forestry Resource Centre that we have recently helped fund in Kavre, just east of Kathmandu.
This clip features Dipendra Aryal and was shot by Hari Kharki; both of them work for our partner NGO Eco Himal Nepal on TGT funded projects.
It is not in their job description to produce these films, they just do them as they know it is a great way to share knowledge both in the communities they work in and across Nepal more widely.
It’s a great use of initiative!
This video describe about trial that was conducted to test effectiveness of organic fertilizer. Organic fertilizer named "Black Wonder" produced in Thailand ...