Just over a month ago artist Tom Hunter got in touch with us via Instagram. He was letting us know that he was exhibiting and selling paintings from his Sacred Mountains collection at the Peloton Espresso coffee shop on Cowley Street, Oxford, UK.
Very generously he is donating £20 from the sale of the originals and £2 from the sale of every print to The Glacier Trust. Here’s what Tom had to say about his work and his connection to the work we do:
As well as draw and paint I also teach Art at Magdalen College School, here in Oxford. Mountains have become a large part of my practice and I have spent the last few years experimenting with various concepts based around them. I have become increasingly aware of the changes in mountain environments due to global warming and have great respect for the work you are doing with people that have relied on weather patterns and conditions in the mountains for hundreds if not thousands of years. It is devastating to think that these are the communities that will perhaps feel the worst impact of western fossil-fuel use. Well done on the fantastic work you are doing and please let me know if there might be any other way I could help out.
The Sacred Mountains in the collection are from all over the world. Mont Ventoux (France) is sure to go down well with the cyclists at the Peloton Espresso; also features are Mount Kailash (China), Uluru (Australia) and Navajo Mountain (USA).
Uluru, by Tom Hunter, Sacred Mountains
Mount Kailash by Tom Hunter, Sacred Mountains
Navajo Mountain by Tom Hunter, Sacred Mountains
About the exhibition:
A series of postcard-sized paintings created following a virtual pilgrimage of Sacred Mountains from around the world. Irrespective of nationality, belief or era, humans have held certain mountains in such high-regard as to declare them sacred. This labelling has been founded on various elements, from physical reliance such as the source of fresh water to spiritual belief and their proximity to the deities. As we become increasingly aware of glacial melt due to global warming, the mountains have become a litmus for our precarious situation and now more than ever, are worthy of our close attention.
For more information about Tom Hunter and to view the full Sacred Mountains collection please visit therealtomhunter.co.uk
Visit the Sacred Mountains collection at:
Espresso Peloton
76 Cowley Road