Levison Wood joins The Glacier Trust

We are delighted to welcome Levison Wood – professional explorer, documentary maker, best-selling author and photographer – as our newest ambassador.

A regular visitor to Nepal since his first expedition in 2001, and most famously in his ‘Walking the Himalayas’ series aired on Channel 4, Levison has witnessed first-hand the effects of climate change on communities in the Himalayan mountain range. Levison told us:

Nepal will always have a very special place in my heart. It’s been a privilege to explore some of the highest and most challenging terrain on earth, but when you meet the people who live in these fragile environments, it’s a humbling experience.

Increasingly the farming communities in remote areas of Nepal are on the front-line of climate change. They are in immediate need of help to adapt to the challenges like crop ruining insect pests that are now being seen at higher and higher altitudes; add to that landslides, drought and the ever-present threat of a glacial lake outburst flood, and you can’t ignore the need to adapt. TGT’s grass roots approach to enabling people in these communities to adapt to climate change and improve their livelihoods is really effective and absolutely essential. I’m looking forward to getting involved.

Levison’s appointment comes at an exciting time for TGT. Last week saw the launch of our new report ‘We need to talk about adaptation’ and earlier this year, we extended our work in Nepal with a new project made possible with funding from the Marr Munning Trust. 2019 will also see the formalisation of a three-way partnership between Tribhuvan University (Kathmandu), the University of Southampton and TGT which will enable early career researchers to gain research experience in Nepal’s mountain communities.

Our Co-Director, Dr Morgan Phillips, said:

It is really fantastic to link up with Levison, his incredible adventures are a firm favourite in the Phillips household, we were glued to Walking the Himalayas! Levison’s experience and deep knowledge of Nepal will be a fantastic resource for the charity. We hope to get him involved when his schedule allows and are delighted to welcome him to the trust.

Morgan will be in Nepal this month, monitoring project work in Kaverpalanchok and Nawalparasi, where he will be joined by a team of UK volleyball players who are travelling to Nepal to raise funds for TGT’s work. Levison is currently promoting his new book Arabia and planning his next adventure. Wood said:  

There’s an interesting parallel between my expeditions and the need to adapt to climate change. Although we manage risks and avoid danger by planning to the best of our abilities, we must be prepared and equipped to adapt if things go wrong. The same thinking applies for every community faced with the realities of climate change. TGT work in partnership with innovative NGOs in Nepal and together they are helping communities thrive, despite the disruptive forces of climate change.  

Levison joins acclaimed actor Sian Brooke as a fellow TGT ambassador.

The Glacier Trust is committed to raising the awareness of the need to adapt to climate change in Nepal and around the world. The charity’s core costs are covered by three specific grants, which allows it to dedicate 100% of every donation received on climate change adaptation work in Nepal.